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Assessment and Reporting



Upon entry to the Service, all young people will complete an initial baseline assessment in Maths and English using BKSB. From this assessment, challenging and realistic end of key stage centre target grades will be formulated. The baseline assessment will be repeated at the start of each key stage.

Renaissance Learning

All young people complete termly assessment in Maths and reading using Renaissance Star reader and Star maths tool. A comprehensive reading report using Accelerated Reader is completed on entry to the service and interventions are put into place where needed. We also run a Star Maths programme that supports young people alongside their maths lessons.

Power Bi

All assessment, pastoral and attendance data is presented through Power Bi. Power Bi can be used to look at the data and progress that an individual is making as well as looking at trends in specific subjects and groups of young people. 

Data collection includes recording their current level, making a judgement on the progress they have made against their target, a comment on their performance in lessons and the next steps they need to take in order to make progress.



Following termly data collection, reports will be completed by staff and then sent home to inform parents/carers of their child’s progress. Copies will also be sent to the home school.

The report will show progress in every subject against their target grade. It will also contain a personal development comment which will give an overall assessment on their performance and progress in the Centre and also comment on personal attributes such as effort, behaviour, punctuality, organisation and social skills and comments on their performance over the year. There will also be a Leadership Team comment.  

Schedule of Assessment


Through rigorous tracking and accurate target setting we aim to address gaps in learning for every individual. Within each subject area specific targets are set for each young people that will give them the information needed to make progress against their target level. The targets set will be ‘SMART’, (Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time related) and regular feedback will be given to enable young people to achieve their target. 

All young people will have their targets placed in the front of their exercise books; this includes those detailed on young people's EHCPs. All young people have an individual provision map in which cycles of APDR are demonstrated. Progress towards these targets is reviewed on a six-weekly basis as part of the Service review of placement meeting.

Lawnswood Campus

Braybrook, Midpoint, Orchard PRUs and Nightingale Home and Hospital Service

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Contact Us

Head of Service: Ms L Watson 
DSL: Ms N Fernandes
DDSL: Mrs Rushton, Mrs E Varnham
Mental Health Lead: Mental Health Champion - Mrs L Watson
SEND Coordinator: Mrs Emma Rushton
Interim Executive Headteacher: Mrs L Watson
Telephone: 01902 555194

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