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Hospital School Room

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There is a purpose built schoolroom on the children’s ward, staffed by a qualified teacher and teaching assistants. The teacher will liaise with the students own school in order to personalise their learning and limit disruption to their education. Students attend sessions in the schoolroom, or if necessary are taught at the bedside.

The ambition is to ensure that no student is disadvantaged by medical need from accessing quality education and to provide a stimulating experience allowing students to learn and flourish and to make appropriate progress according to ability and need. Staff work closely with consultants and medical staff in order to provide the best service for students.

Hospital School Room - Intent, Implementation and Impact




A project based learning approach is taken in the schoolroom to ensure that students of all ages can collaborate on a shared project. Students have enjoyed engaging in a range of projects including Around the World, From Fork to Field, Extreme Environments and Past and Present.

Schoolroom staff will make contact with a student’s home school once students have accessed the schoolroom for 5+ days. Staff will support students to complete and keep up with classwork so that they do not fall behind due to their medical needs.

Schoolroom staff also provide a range of sensory activities for younger students to explore learning through play.


Each learning session has reading embedded within it and children are encouraged to develop a love of reading.


National Association for Hospital Education – Working on the Wards

In July 2022 the hospital school staff hosted the annual National Association for Hospital Education Working on the Wards Day. A range of hospital school staff from across the country attended to share good practice. Delegates heard from a range of speakers, including parents and students who have worked with the Nightingale Home and Hospital Service and the hospital schoolroom. Overall, the day was very successful and it was fantastic to celebrate our hospital school service.

Lawnswood Campus

Braybrook, Midpoint, Orchard PRUs and Nightingale Home and Hospital Service

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Contact Us

Head of Service: Ms L Watson 
DSL: Ms N Fernandes
DDSL: Mrs Rushton, Mrs E Varnham
Mental Health Lead: Mental Health Champion - Mrs L Watson
SEND Coordinator: Mrs Emma Rushton
Interim Executive Headteacher: Mrs L Watson
Telephone: 01902 555194

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